Alicia Velázquez

Spanish-born artist Alicia Velázquez (*1969) employs in her practice a vast array of techniques and tools to experiment with and explores inner and outer circumstances. When working with a material or technique she has not been familiar with thus far, she perceives this as a new encounter, as if encountering a new person. She engages in a dialogue with whatever or whoever she crosses paths with and lets herself guide intuitively by the emotions, memories, or cultural references that arise in the precise moment of an encounter.


To Velázquez, her body is an extended tool forming part of a particular scene at any given moment. This transfers to her performances which often bear a ritualistic character. Therefore, the line between performing artist and simply being a human engaged in daily activities is blurred.

 Overall, Velázquez’ all-embracing practice has a very stimulating and playful stance. At the same time, it often takes on a personal and intimate character inviting the viewer to enter the work, to interact, and participate in it.