Lisa Biedlingmaier
In her work Lisa Biedlingmaier (*1975, Tscheljabinsk, the Urals) usually links her personal experience to the collective’s experience. And vice-versa, she analyzes in which way the individual is affected, consciously and subconsciously, by the complex relationships with the outside world. Over the course of her career, Biedlingmaier has gained a vast knowledge of holistic healing practices including religious conceptions such as Buddhism. To date, she dives into these practices to gain a better understanding of the interdependencies between society and personal upbringing, and our mental, spiritual, as well as physical wellbeing. Lisa Biedlingmaier refers to the human psyche in terms of a widespread model in psychoanalysis. It claims that the psyche is composed of multiple layers that keep developing throughout a lifetime and are very much connected to societal environments and the personal story of each and everyone. According to Biedlingmaier, these layers that ultimately form our way of thinking, merge into patterns expressing our behavior and dealings with life’s challenges. Recently, Lisa Biedlingmaier has become interested to counteract negative impacts by creating conscious caring and loving patterns that then potentially become part of the collective awareness.
By applying Macramé, an ancient knotting technique used to produce a form of textile, Biedlingmaier succeeds in representing the ever-emerging topics within her work: The various knots stand for our life experiences that oftentimes turn out to be a mental baggage we constantly carry around. By titling her works after energetic codes, Biedlingmaier aims to offer the viewer the possibility to untie the psychological knots. Complementary materials, such as hard-edged plexiglass, porcelain, mirrors, everyday objects, or iron and wooden bars emphasize the themes Biedlingmaier touches via a particular work. Rearranged, these same elements might stand for another topic which is to show that the artist visually illustrates the psychological and energetic ever-changing layers humans are made of.
Lisa Biedlingmaier studied at Kunstakademie Stuttgart until 2003, holds a diploma in photography (2005) and a master of fine art (2019), both from Zurich University of the Arts. Biedlingmaier grew up in Georgia and lives and works in Zurich since 2003.
View Solo and Group Exhibitions in Curriculum Vitae.